Why Indies Make CD’s

The news surrounding the music industry these days might make you wonder if anyone is buying CDs any more. Major-label CD sales are down again. Downloads are up. So the question on the table is: As an independent artist, do you really need to make CDs these days?

There are many factors to consider, and what is true for major-label artists does not often translate to independents. As a matter of fact, amidst the last few years of continuously declining major-label CD sales, Disc Makers has seen continued growth in new CD jobs ordered, and indie-only CD Baby has seen consistent increases in CD sales. It speaks to the fact that one revenue model does not fit all markets, and the ingredients for success for a major-label artist vs. an independent are simply not the same.

I know what many of you are thinking. “Of course Disc Makers is going to tell me I need to keep making CDs!” Yes, we are a CD manufacturing company, and that gives us a particular stake in the subject. It also gives us a unique perspective, and a front-line view of what the demands of the market and our client base are. In addition to that, we’ve leveraged some of our great connections within the music industry and reached out to gain insight and commentary on the question of the viability of the CD format. Here are a few things to consider.

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